Which is the best android app for Whats app status saver?

Status saver: By using this app you easily save What Sapp status through this status saver. You easily save images video and share it on social media. Status Downloader App helps you to download & share your friends and family status from your favorite social app. You can directly Share status images and videos with your friends and family using Status Downloader App. New images using old status savers to make video status savers and photo status downloaders. Repost or download any photo video of friends' status with status saver free download.

Story saver for What Sapp: story saver is a very amazing app for saving status. Good and user-friendly interface. You easily share status with friends and family and social media. Attractive interface and it is very helpful. People use easily this app and share and save status easily. You save status easily in the gallery. Status image is also set as wallpaper. Status saving is something you have to do in a difficult way this status downloader app helps you to ease that process. Status saver and status downloader are having the same functionality so those who used previous apps will find it easy to use.


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